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Common Name: B6J
This strain was introduced from The Jackson Laboratory to Charles River Laboratories Japan, Inc. [predecessor of The Jackson Laboratory Japan, Inc.] and started to supply in
2002. JAX® Mice bred at The Jackson Laboratory Japan, Inc. are genetically equivalent to those produced by The Jackson Laboratory. This strain is carried on Genetic Stability Program.
✓ First fully sequenced laboratory mouse strain.
✓ Highly susceptible to diet-induced obesity.
✓ Prone to microphthalmia and associated eye abnormalities. (Defects and malformations includes atherosclerosis, microphthalmia, cataracts, etc.)
✓ Prone to hair loss associated with over
grooming and dermatitis.
✓ Susceptible to hereditary hydrocephalus at low prevalence.
✓ Preference for alcohol and morphine.
✓ Prone to malocclusion: incidence is less than 0.05%.
✓ Please check our website for more information.
>Animals that had been used as breeders, Information of age is available. (The age of the retired month age varies depending on the strain and sex.)
>Animals may have wound due to fighting.
>If you request month age of animals, additional breeding charge may be required.
For further assistance, please contact us.